Tag Archives: posterior

Atticus’s Birth Story

8 Jan

When I went into labor at 41 weeks, just like any other overdue woman, I was relieved.  After battling weeks of carpal tunnel and PUPPPS rash, I was ready for it all to end.

At 1:30 am on a Thursday, I woke up to mild contractions that I initially thought were cramps.  I went to the bathroom, then returned to bed.  This was my first pregnancy, so I was unsure if I was actually in labor.  Besides the mild cramping, I felt fine.  And because I was a week overdue, I had convinced myself I’d never go into labor; so it never crossed my mind.  Except, a few minutes later, the cramps became so intense I couldn’t ignore them, let alone sleep.

I nudged my husband, Steve. “I think I’m in labor, babe.”

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